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Erin Kennedy

Headshot: Blonde woman in black top and med. blue jacket smiling at camera

Assistant Professor
Human Health Building, Room 2017
Phone: (248) 364-8724
[email protected] 


Dr. Erin Kennedy holds a DNP from Wayne State University. Her doctoral studies focused on implementing an evidence-based practice tool, a care bundle. She went on to pilot the implementation of the SSKIN bundle, which is used to prevent pressure injuries in the acute care hospital setting. Her clinical practice experience includes emergency medicine and maternal-infant health. She is currently collecting data to assess the prevalence of postnatal depression, anxiety, and/or distress among new American fathers across numerous screening instruments with the hopes of establishing the effectiveness of a postpartum screening tool in men. Dr. Kennedy teaches in the traditional BSN, ASD, RN-BSN, and MSN graduate programs.



  • DNP - Wayne State University
  • BSN - University of Detroit Mercy


  • Validation of a screening tool for paternal postnatal mood disorders, depression/distress/anxiety
  • Factors that affect the behaviors and feelings of individuals within a family
  • Optimizing the experience of the family during childbearing and childrearing

PUBLICATIONS (Peer Reviewed)

  • Kennedy, E. (2023). An Evidence-Based Approach to Protecting Our Biggest Organ: Implementation of a Skin, Surface, Keep Moving, Incontinence/Moisture, and Nutrition/Hydration (SSKIN) Care Bundle. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice, 16(1), 62-80. 
  • Munyan, K., & Kennedy, E. (2022). Perceptions of online informational social support among mothers in a lactation-focused virtual community: A survey study. Women’s Health (London, England), 18, 17455057221125088–17455057221125088. http://doi.org/10.1177/17455057221125088 
  • Kennedy, E., Kennedy, P., Hernandez, J., Shakoor, K., & Munyan, K. (2022) Understanding Redeployment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Analysis of Nurse Reported Experiences. SAGE open nursing, 8, 23779608221114985. http://doi.org/10.1177/23779608221114985 
  • Kennedy, E. (2022). Bundling Your Way to Quality Care. Journal of doctoral nursing practice, 15(1), 11-17. DOI: 10.1891/JDNP-2021-0039 
  • Kennedy, E. & Munyan, K. (2022). Sensitivity and reliability of screening measures for paternal postpartum depression: an integrative review. J Perinatol 41, 2713–2721. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41372-021-01265-6 
  • Munyan, K., & Kennedy, E. (2022). Alarmed, but unharmed: A case report of noninfectious posthitis in a pediatric patient. The Nurse practitioner, 47(1), 6–9. http://doi.org/10.1097/01.NPR.0000803008.51061.ae 
  • Hernandez, J. M., Munyan, K., Kennedy, E., Kennedy, P., Shakoor, K., & Wisser, J. (2021). Traumatic stress among frontline American nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey study. Traumatology, 27(4), 413-418. http://doi.org/10.1037/trm0000320

PUBLICATIONS (Non-refereed)

  • Munyan, K., Shakoor, K., Kennedy, E., & Kennedy, P. (2022). Traumatic Stress Among Nurses: Knowing the Signs and Support Available. The Oklahoma Nurse, 67(1), 1–10.
  • Munyan, K. Shakoor, K., Kennedy, E. Kennedy, P. (2021) Traumatic Stress Among Nurses: Knowing the Signs and Support, ANA-MI Newsletter: Future of Nursing. December 2021. 


  • August 2024 (Poster) Nursing Faculty Development: Teaching Entry-level Healthcare Informatics Competencies. Sigma 35th International Nursing Research Congress. Poster co-authored with Ron Piscotty PhD, RN, NI-BC, CNE, FAMIA.
  • July 2024 (Poster) Evaluation of nursing students’ ability and comfort to recommend perinatal health apps. 2024 Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics, Baltimore, MD.
  • April 2022: (Poster) Examining Perceived Online Health Informational Social Support in a Nurse Moderated Virtual Lactation Focused Community. Sigma Theta Tau Theta Psi At-Large Chapter Spring Research Day. Poster co-authored with Kristen Munyan, DNP, RN, FNP-BC. 
  • April 2022: (Poster) Assessing the Prevalence of Postnatal Depression/Anxiety Among Fathers Across Screening Instruments. Sigma Theta Tau Theta Psi At-Large Chapter Spring Research Day. Primary Author, co-authored with Kristen Munyan, DNP, RN, FNP-BC. 
  • November 2021: (Podium) Recognizing traumatic stress in healthcare providers at Michigan Council for Nurse Practitioners Annual Conference. 
  • November 2021: (Poster) Assessing the Prevalence of Postnatal Depression/Anxiety Among Fathers Across Screening Instruments. Sigma Theta Tau 46th Biennial Convention. Abstract submitted for poster presentation with Kristen Munyan, DNP, RN, FNP-BC. Primary author. 
  • November 2020: (Poster) Measuring depression and anxiety in postpartum fathers: An integrative review. Sigma Theta Tau Theta Psi At-Large Fall Virtual Research Day. Poster co-authored with Kristen Munyan, DNP, RN, FNP-BC.  



  • Kennedy E. (PI) Parental Mental Health: Experiences of the Postpartum Dyad. Oakland University URC Faculty Research Fellowship
    • Funded in the amount of $10,000 on 2/24/24.
  • Kennedy E. & Munyan, K. (PI) Prevalence of depression and anxiety in postpartum American fathers. Sigma Theta Tau, Theta Psi Chapter at-Large. 
    • Funded in the amount of $1000 on 1/6/2021.

GRANTS Non-Funded

  • Kennedy E. (PI) & Piscotty R. Data Informed Nursing Education: Implementation of Project NeLL into Competency-Based Curriculum. Oakland University School of Nursing Oberhauser Nursing Instruction Endowment. (80%) ($10,000)
  • Harris, M. & Kennedy E. (co-PI) Perinatal Telehealth and Mental Wellness Expansion Project. Flinn Foundation for Capacity Building. ($60, 619.00) 
  • Harris, M. & Kennedy E. (co-PI) Family Well-Being Expansion Project. Michigan Health Endowment Fund for the Maternal and Infant Health program. ($146, 158.00)  


  • Sigma Theta Tau International
    • Theta Psi Chapter at-Large Officer (President)
    • Lambda Chapter general member
  • ANA – American Nurses Association Member 

School of Nursing

Human Health Building, Room 3027
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733

M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.